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时间:2024-10-02 11:48:03 来源:PCBA 点击:0

Printed Circuit Board Fabrication Process Flow

1. Artwork Generation


  • Create a digital design file (e.g., Gerber files) containing the circuit layout.

2. Film Generation (Photoplotting)

  • Expose the design onto a photo-sensitive film (e.g., photoresist) using a photoplotter.

3. Pre-Laminate Preparation

  • Clean and prepare the copper-clad laminate (base material) by applying an adhesive.
  • Apply the photoresist film to the laminate.

4. Exposure

  • Expose the photoresist film to ultraviolet (UV) light through the film mask.
  • The exposed areas harden, while the unexposed areas remain soft.

5. Development

  • Remove the unexposed photoresist using a chemical developer.

6. Etching

  • Etch the exposed copper areas using a chemical etchant (e.g., ferric chloride).
  • The etchant removes the unwanted copper, leaving behind the desired circuit pattern.

7. Stripping

  • Remove the remaining photoresist using a chemical stripper.

8. Plating

  • Apply a thin layer of copper over the exposed areas to increase conductivity (e.g., electrolytic copper plating).

9. Hole Drilling

  • Drill holes for component leads and vias using a CNC drilling machine.

10. Solder Mask Application

  • Apply a protective solder mask material to the board, leaving only the solder pads exposed.

11. Silkscreen Printing

  • Print component references and other markings onto the board using a silkscreen printer.

12. Component Assembly

  • Place components on the board and solder them in place using a solder paste printer and reflow oven.

13. Functional Testing

  • Test the board for electrical functionality using automated test equipment (ATE).

14. Final Inspection

  • Visually inspect the board for any defects or errors.